About me

About my accessibility journey

Let me tell you a bit about me and my journey into the world of accessibility. When I first started out, I honestly didn’t know much about accessibility. I was given the daunting task of making our website compliant, armed only with a thick report from an accessibility vendor.


Does this sound familiar?

You start researching online, hoping to find some helpful information, and what do you come across?

  • outdated examples
  • information scattered all over the place
  • no alternative options
  • and to top it off, it’s just plain boring!
Me out and about on a night cruise in the San Francisco bay area. I'm wearing a black jacket, my hair is in a bun, and you can see an unfocused bridge behind me
Me enjoying a night cruise in the SF Bay area

Why create Accessibility Made Easy?

Well, it all came from a desire to help others facing the same challenges. My goal was simple: provide clear and concise guidance with examples that actually relate to the common elements we see on websites today.

As I delved deeper into the world of accessibility, I began to realize something incredible – it’s all about increasing inclusivity. The more you learn about making a website inclusive, the more you start to see the world through someone else’s perspective. It’s a beautiful thing.

And now, it’s your turn! You have the opportunity to reach a broader audience, unlock the benefits of accessibility, and truly make a positive difference. So, dive in, learn, and let’s make the digital world a more inclusive and welcoming place for everyone!